


上海民办南模中学一直以丰富的校园生活作为课程外的另一闪光点。在同学们的课余活动中,学校在体育,音乐,舞蹈等多方面提供可以大显身手的平台。上个月起,一年一度的南模杯篮球赛已经开展,每一周都有不同的班级进行男子赛和女子赛比拼。除此之外,学校的另一大特色—极限飞盘赛,也在每周一的午间时间,在操场上进行。同学们都可以自行前来观赛,了解飞盘文化。疫情过后,大家对飞盘的热爱越发高涨,但由于防控等各方面原因,同学仍然不能进行学校间的比赛。于是,南模极限飞盘联赛拉开了帷幕。 这不仅提供了一个可以更加深入了解飞盘赛的机会,还可以在比赛中训练自己体能,配合等方面的能力。

Shanghai Nanyang model Private High School has always taken the rich campus life as another highlight outside the curriculum. In the students' extracurricular activities, the school provides a platform to show their talents in sports, music, dance and other aspects. Since last month, the annual Nanmo Cup basketball tournament has been launched. Every week, different classes compete for men's and women's competitions. Also, another feature of the school, the Ultimate Frisbee Tournament, is held on the playground every Monday at lunchtime. All students can come to watch the game and learn about the culture of Frisbee. Especially after the epidemic, ultimate players are eager to participate in the competition. However, due to various reasons such as prevention and control, students still cannot play games with players from other schools. Thus, the Nanmo Ultimate Frisbee League has been found. It not only provides an opportunity to have a deeper understanding of the frisbee game but also to train their physical stamina, coordination and other abilities during the game.

